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Mortgage Calculator

Calculate your repayments

Use our free mortgage calculator to estimate your monthly mortgage payment. You can input the mortgage required, loan term/repayment period and interest rate to see how your monthly payment changes. This information is very important to understand before you commit to buying a property. Can you afford to make the repayments?

Need a Pre-Approval? Click here and we’ll have a mortgage broker contact you to discuss.


Your results

The first figure gives the total monthly payment for a straight repayment mortgage, including both interest and payment towards the capital loan amount. This reduces the amount owed on the capital, month by month. The second figure shows the amount of interest payment only.

These figures are only a guide. We recommend that you obtain exact figures from a specific lender before committing to any mortgage. Get free advice here.

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What is mortgage pre-qualification?

Pre-qualification is how lenders determine if you fit the basic financial criteria for a home loan.

To get prequalified, you tell a lender some basic information about your credit, debt, income, and assets, and it tells you how much you may be able to borrow. “Tell” is the key word here. The information used for pre-qualification is self-reported, which means the lender typically doesn’t verify it or look at your credit report.

What’s the difference between pre-qualification and pre-approval?

Unlike pre-qualification, pre-approval requires proof of your debt, income, assets, and credit score and history.

To get pre-approved, you’ll supply documentation such as pay slips, tax records and proof of assets. Once the lender verifies your financial information, which may take a few days, it should supply a pre-approval letter you can show a real estate agent or seller to prove you’re ready and able to purchase a home.

Keep in mind, pre-qualification doesn’t guarantee pre-approval. You can still be turned down if your financial documents don’t support the numbers you reported.