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Market value: Definition, Overview & FAQs

What is the market value?

Definition: The real worth of your property when it is put up for sale on the open market is referred to as its market value. Buyers set it and define it as the price they will be willing to pay to buy the house.

How is market value determined in the real estate market?

In real estate, market value is established by a number of variables and techniques that, taken together, give an approximation of a property’s value in the present market. The following is a summary of the essential elements:

  1. Location
  • Neighborhood and area: One of the most important elements affecting a property’s value is its location. The market value of properties is typically higher in desirable neighbourhoods with good schools, low crime rates, easy access to services, and close proximity to employment centres.
  1. Property factors
  • Size and layout: The layout and flow of the property can also have an impact on value. The size of the property, including its total square footage and the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, affects its worth.
  • Condition: The age of the property and its overall condition, including any renovations or updates, are important in determining its value. 
  • Unique features such as a swimming pool, smart homes, gardens, a view, etc. can increase a property’s value.
  1. Comparable Sales 
  • Analysis of similar properties: This involves looking at recent sales of similar properties in the same area. Key aspects considered include the size, condition, age, and location of these comparable properties.
  • Adjustment for differences: Since no two properties are exactly alike, adjustments are made to account for differences between the subject property and the comps. 
  1. Real estate market trends
  • The current market is heavily influenced by the present status of the real estate market, including seller’s, buyer’s, and neutral markets. When demand exceeds supply in a seller’s market, properties typically command a higher worth.
  • Economic indicators: Interest rates, inflation, and employment levels are examples of broader economic factors that impact real estate. Lower loan rates, for instance, often provide buyers with more purchasing power, which could raise the value of real estate.
  1. Automated valuation models
  • Technology-driven estimates: to estimate market value based on public records, recent sales, and other data points, use algorithms and huge datasets. AVMs may not take into consideration particular property problems or recent changes in the local market, which makes them generally less accurate than human appraisals.

Challenges in estimating

Economic factors and government regulations

Although they are challenging to exactly measure in the valuation of a property, broader economic factors like consumer confidence, employment rates, and inflation can have an impact on market value. For example, economic downturns may not show up in comparable sales right away, which could result in trailing value estimations. Market prices can also be affected by changes in legislation, property taxes, or other regulations, frequently in an unpredictable way.

Rapid market changes

The state of the economy, interest rates, variations in local demand, and even abrupt changes in the economy like a recession can all affect real estate markets. Because of these quick changes, it can be challenging to determine the value that is correct because what was true a few months ago might no longer be relevant.

Unpredictable events

Events such as natural disasters, pandemics, or political instability can abruptly impact the market, leading to significant fluctuations in property values that are hard to predict.

Special property features

Properties having unique characteristics, including luxury facilities, eco-friendly constructions, or historic dwellings, might not match up well with typical market data, which reduces the usefulness of traditional valuation techniques.

Seasonal changes

Seasonal tendencies are common in real estate markets, with some seasons of the year seeing higher activity than others. Lower values from estimating market worth in off-peak seasons might not accurately represent the property’s value in a more active market.

How to calculate the market value of a property?

  1. Collect data: Know your property’s location, type (residential, commercial, etc.), and size.
  2. Find comparable sales: Find comparable properties that have recently sold.
  3. Calculate benchmark value: Multiply the average price per square foot of comparable properties by your property’s total square footage.


Is the market price the same as the market value?

Different from market price, which is “the price at which one can transact,” market value is defined by theoretical standards as “the true underlying value.”

What is the current market value?

The price at which a property would currently sell on the open market is referred to as the “current market value.” It stands for what, in typical circumstances, a willing seller would take and a willing buyer would be willing to pay.

What is a professional property valuer?

 A qualified expert who advises people or businesses on the market worth of a property is known as a professional property valuer.

Can I check the value of my property online?

By just inputting your address on a specialized platform for online computations, you can obtain an instant estimate online. But for more precise information, you should contact a real estate expert.