The Year Ahead for Aspen Woolf

Over the past 11 years or so, we at Aspen Woolf have worked hard to find the best wealth-building opportunities for our clients whilst fostering our reputation as a reliable company to invest with. And with so many exciting developments in the property market right now, we’re certainly not going to rest on our laurels! Indeed, 2017 looks to be a big year for us, where we aim to grow, diversify and develop even further. Our founder and director, Oliver Ramsden, talks through some of our upcoming plans.
“We’re branching out with our product offering as the year goes on. This will include more offerings in Dubai and in the United States. There will definitely still be demand here in the UK, but we want to make sure that the product we offer domestically will have a competitive edge over what else might be currently available.”
We came to this decision after carefully observing our investors, asking ourselves what they were concerned about and what they were currently looking for. One thing in particular we found was that following changes in global financial markets in 2016, international clients were starting to look at UK property more and more.
“We see our international investors eyeing up UK property a bit more. We already saw this in 2016 so we expect it to continue throughout this year as well… One thing that will probably be making a difference now more than ever for international property purchases is a good currency brokerage. You want to make sure whatever money you have is going as far as it can go. All of a sudden property prices are 15-20% less than they were a year ago, thanks to exchange rates.”
But with a lack of supply in the UK looming, we are making it a priority to look outside the EU.
“Even we, an experienced agent with connections to countless developers, aren’t seeing the stock out there. Some stock we will immediately turn down as they simply don’t pass our due diligence, which of course limits what is available even more. Overall we would say coming up with good stock (i.e. developments) in genuinely good areas is becoming increasingly difficult.”
This has led us to begin expanding in to the Middle East and the US – an increasingly profitable area right now – as we move forward.
“We have an office based in Dubai sourcing property investments for clients looking to invest in the Middle-East. As well as this we’re opening an office in New York later in 2017 that will better cater our clients looking to branch out into the US.”
We’re keen to keep building on our success, but we recognise that with an ever-changeable market, we don’t want to get ahead of ourselves.
“We’ll also be looking to offer other properties available in Europe and possibly opening an office in Hong Kong. However, if we’ve learned anything it is that it’s better to take things slow and do it right, rather than rush into things. We always want to make sure whatever it is we do, it’s always in our client’s interest.”
And it’s this philosophy, of always having our clients front of mind, that we believe will lead us into further, greater success, this year and for many more to come.
If you would like to begin your investment journey with us, take a look at some of the exciting developments we currently have available.